Cape San Blas is known for its bay scallops, which are abundant come Scalloping Season in the late Summer. Along with the opportunity to gather and cook your own fresh scallops, is the annual Florida Scallop & Music Festival, which marks the season each year around August.

Gulf County’s scalloping season usually starts around mid-August and lasts through September each year. To participate in scalloping, you’ll need a Florida fishing license, and supplies for finding and gathering your scallops, including a mask and snorkel, mesh bag, dive flag, and ideally a boat. Once out of the water, scallops need to be stored in an ice filled cooler until prepared - which you’ll need a knife or spoon to do.

They're easy to cook, and make for an excellent seafood dish!

If you’re in town for the Scallop and Music Festival, you can enjoy famous musicians and great local artists, and an array of vendors selling arts, crafts, and food! If you’re looking for a challenge, you can participate in the festival’s 10k or bike ride. And for the kids, there are plenty of children’s activities to enjoy with the family!